Scholarship Plus

The Indonesia Bright Foundation (IBF)


Indonesia Bright Foundation (IBF) is a non-profit organisation that aims to better the education of bright but disadvantaged Indonesians. It is done through mutual partnership and collaboration with community groups, other charities and institutions.

IBF founders are the alumni of Singapore International Foundation (SIF)- ASEAN Fellowship Programme (now defunct); a fully sponsored one-term study experience at National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technology University, and Singapore Management University. The programme allows each scholar a flavour of Singaporean life, during which they immerse themselves in various activities in the university of their choice, other scholars and with respective foster families.

IBF means to carries the torch of friendship and goodwill. More importantly, to utilise a wide network and expertise among the Indonesian alumni for a good cause. Since its incorporation in 2011, IBF members have grown substantially. The foundation is grateful to the continuing support of its partners and sponsors.


2003-2004 : the formation of SIF Alumni-Indonesia. It then organised community events, ie. boy-circumcision ritual for lower-income families, book donations and disaster relief assistance

2005/2006 – now : providing long-term scholarship for bright but underprivileged Indonesians (from elementary to university level)

2011 :  Indonesia Bright was incorporated and replaced SIF Alumni-Indonesia. IBF was registered as a legal entity at the Justice and Human Rights Ministry of Indonesia.

2013 :  IBF partnered  with Koperasi Kasih Indonesia in Cilincing, Jakarta to provide  long-term financial assistance for education to Cilincing residents.

2014 :

– IBF collaborated with Komunitas Menara, Komunitas Silaturahmi Hati and Yayasan Insan Rabbani in selecting recipients for the scholarship scheme and distributing the fund.

– Signed MoU with National Humanity institute (PKPU) for joint fund-raising programme. –

– Together with Singapore International Foundation (SIF) and Indonesian Professionals’ Association (IPA), launched SIF-IBF-IPA collaboration in education.

2015 :  Under SIF-IBF-IPA collaboration in education, organised a study visit to Singapore for IBF beneficiaries.

2016 :
– Mentoring the brainchild of Free Audio-Visual for Elementary School  project (AVES)
– Renewed the collaboration in education with SIF and IPA

Indonesia Bright Foundation  Schemes:

1.       IBF Scholarship Programmes
A. Bright Scholarship
IBF has directly provided a long-term scholarship to more than 100 underpriviliged students from Pati, and Jakarta since 2006 with a mission that each beneficiary can study from elementary school up to university.

The students are selected based on the following criteria: 1) The students have significant study/school performance 2) Low income parents that have to be proven with letter from village and field visit from IBF.

A student named Aprilia, who has received Bright Scholarship since she was in the fifth grade of elementary school in 2006, has just graduated from Astra Polytechnic in Jakarta in late Nov 2015. Now she is working in Toyota Astra. Several other students have been able to finish their study in senior high school and continue to study in State University of 11 Solo and State University of Semarang.

B. Bright Meet
IBF has also a program to link parents, firms, institutions and other foundations that intend to directly finance and foster underprivilege students to study. At present, there are three university students in University of Indonesia and State University of Semarang being assisted under this scheme.

C. Bright + Network Scholarship
IBF and networks such as Komunitas Menara in Tangerang, Komunitas Silaturahmi Hati in Garut and Yayasan Insan Rabbani in Bandung have established a collaboration to jointly seek fund to be allocated to maintain and also expand the recipients of the scholarship of Indonesia Bright as well as its networks.

2. Collaboration in education with SIF and IPA

The Singapore International Foundation-Indonesia Bright Foundation- Indonesian Professionals’ Association (SIF-IBF-IPA) collaboration in education seeks to bring together Indonesian and Singaporean communities in Singapore and Indonesia to inspire, encourage and support the educational growth and development of promising Indonesian youth who are beneficiaries of the IBF.

The collaboration was launched in May 2014 at SIF Connects! Jakarta.

The collaboration culminated in the inaugural SIF-IBF-IPA study visit to Singapore from 1 – 6 December 2015, which involved the IBF’s pioneer batch of undergraduate scholars who had benefitted from the full spectrum of IBF support since elementary school.  The four IBF beneficiaries participated in a series of discussions and visits in Singapore.

At SIF Connects! Jakarta 2016, SIF-IBF-IPA collaboration in education will be renewed for a second two-year term.In collaboration with SIF and IPA, a biannual joint program called SIF-IBF-IPA Study Visit kicked off in 2015 where 4 Indonesia Bright Scholars visited Singapore for a week to have their first international exposure. Hosted by SIF and IPA, the four beneficiaries of IBF scholarship program participated in a series of discussions, visits to NUS, Google Singapore and other fascinated destinations in Singapore.

3. The Birth of Free Audio Visual for Elementary School
One IBF scholar, Jalal, together with his colleagues, has asked for mentorship from IBF members to shape their ideas on Free Audio Visual for Elementary School (AVES) that has also become the name of their organization. Their main idea is to popularize the use of animated video for elementary school students in their learning process and connect the content of the animated video with school books. Their main challenges are to seek sponsors that believe to the benefit of AVES for education and how to distribute the video for free to elementary school.

How To Collaborate With IBF?

IBF seeks for more partnership and sponsorship for its existing schemes. Moreover, it invites individuals and families to join a wide network of mentors/foster families.

A donor in Bright Scholarship is a partner, of whom they should commit to fulfil payment for the fund. It will be distributed to the discretion of IBF and its partners. Donors will receive progress report on a regular basis and their names will be published in IBF reports following a consent.

As for Bright Meet, a foster parent is responsible for moral support and financial assistance. Matters of the latter will be discussed once a recipient is matched to a family. IBF will provide respective guidance for recipients and foster families and monitor to ensure a reciprocal arrangement has satisfied both parties.

For further enquiries, please contact Moch N. Kurniawan on and 08179900707.

Yayasan Indonesia Bright
Gedung Permata Kuningan Lt 25 (Penthouse)
Jl Kuningan Mulia Kav 9C, Guntur, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, 12980


Note: To reach out more beneficiaries of Indonesia Bright Scholarship, in 2016 we aim to earn Rp 100 million from  the public fund raising activities, up from Rp 10 million a year when the program kicked off in 2006.

For reference, Beneficiary tuition fees and transportation costs in Pati are as follows:

Third grade of senior high school needs Rp 460,000 per month or Rp 5.53 million a year. (Development fee: Rp 1,000,000, tuition fee: Rp 2,880,000, and transportation: Rp 1,650,000)

Second grade of senior high school needs Rp 670,000 per month or Rp 8.15 million a year. (Development fee: Rp 3,500,000, tuition fee: Rp 3,000,000, and transportation: Rp 1,650,000)

First grade of senior high school needs Rp 943,300 per month or  11.32 million a year (Development fee:  Rp 4,550,000, uniform: Rp 1,220,000, tuition fee: Rp 3,900,000, and transportation: Rp 1,650,000)

Third grade of junior high school needs Rp 247,500 per month or Rp 2.97 million a year. (Development fee: Rp 600,000, tuition fee: Rp 720,000, and transportation: Rp 1,650,000)

Second grade of junior high school needs Rp 262,500 per month or Rp 3.15 million a year (Development fee: Rp 600,000, tuition fee: Rp 900,000, and transportation:  Rp 1,650,000)

First grade of junior high school needs Rp 337,500 per month or Rp 4.05 million a year (Development fee: Rp 750,000, tuition fee: Rp 1,200,000, uniform: Rp 450,000, Transportation: Rp 1,650,000.


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