
As of 2015, Indonesia Bright has directly helped more than 100 students from Pati,k and Jakarta to study.  Our network Komunitas Menara in Tangerang, Komunitas Silaturahmi Hati in Garut and Yayasan Insan Rabbani in Bandung have managed more than 200 children as well, in which IBF plans to help.

Three years ago Indonesia Bright scholarship beneficiaries were  60 students in Pati. Three of them have graduated from senior high school with one winning scholarship to study in Politeknik Astra, Jakarta, one studying in University of 11 Maret Solo, and another deciding to work before thinking again her future education.

We also help two students who are accepted in University of Indonesia (UI) get scholarship, one from ILUNI Fakultas Ekonomi or the Economic Faculty, UI Alumni and another from UI rector office

Five more students: one each in Depok, Cilacap  and Wonosobo and two in Cilincing are also our scholarship beneficiaries.


Leading beneficiaries

1. Aprilia
Her parents got divorced when she was four years old, leaving her and her sister no choice but to live with their mother, who does not have permanent job. Aprilia (Lia) was among the first batch of our scholarship beneficiaries in 2006. Early this year, she was accepted as a student in a-three -year Astra Polytechnic Jakarta r under Astra scholarship.  Should she finish her study, she will be able to work in Astra.

Below is her brief profile:
1. Father name : Sunarto
Address : –
2. Mother name: Endang S.
Job: Helping family and neighbors
Address : Ds. Purwosari RT 01 / RW I No. 30 Tlogowungu, Pati
Income : Rp. 500,000 /month

`2. Yuli Astutik

Dubbed as one of the brightests student from Elementary School SD Purwosari 2, Tlogowungu, Pati, Central Java,  she is now in University of 11 Maret Solo after completing her final year of Senior High School 2 Pati. Her future seems so bright, we really hope the best for her.

1. Father name: Sono
Job: Peasant
Address: Ds. Purwosari RT 1 RW III Tlogowungu, Pati
Income : Rp. 500.000 /month

2. Mother Name: Kaswati
Job: Small market trader
Income : Rp. 500.000 / month
Children : 3 (2 boys, one girl)

Below are the list of our scholarship beneficiaries who are currently studying in junior high school to polytechnic in Bahasa Indonesia. (English translation will be available soon).




OLEH ALUMNI SIF (Yayasan Indonesia Bright) TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013




Tanggal Lahir

Sekolah di

Nama Ayah dan Nama Ibu

Pekerjaan Ayah & Ibu

Jarak Rumah – Sekolah




Aprilia 29 April 1994(18 tahun) Politeknik Manufaktur Astra (Polman Astra) Jakarta Sunarto (Cerai)Endang Guru SMPIbu Rumah Tangga + 600 km –          Ingin meneruskan S 1 Manajemen s/d S 3 manajemen-          Ingin bekerja di perusahaan besar (bank) –          Orang tua cerai mulai umur 4 tahun-          Diterima di Polman Astra (Beasiswa berprestasi)-          Beasiswa sebesar Rp. 650.000 untuk kontrak kamar sedangkan kebutuhan makan perlu bantuan


Yuli Astutik 29 Juli 1995(17 tahun) UNS Teknik Kimia SonoKaswati Buruh taniPedagang di Pasar Desa 200 km  – Informasi terakhir, biaya SPP, uang praktik per semester Rp 4,5 jt (Rp 750 r/bulan), uang kost: Rp 3,6 jt per tahun (Rp 300 ribu/bulan)


Mira Andri Astuti 08 Nopember 1996 (16 tahun) SMAN 1 PatiKelas XII / IPA SugiartoSumirah Penjaga peternakan ayamWarung kopi di Desa 9 km Ingin meneruskan ke UI, UGM atau UNDIP jurusan Desainer, Interior, Manajemen, Akuntansi, Psikolog, PWK, Administrasi Niaga


Siska Nurjayanti 27 Juli 1996(16 tahun) SMKN 1 PatiKelas XI Imam MaiyudiEni Pujiati Penjual sate ojekPenjual sate ojek 6 km –          Ingin masuk UNNES, UI atau STAN-          Ingin jadi guru atau Akuntan


Leni saras wari 6 Mei 1997(15 tahun) SMAN 1 Pati Kelas XI RaselanMudah Buruh taniIbu rumah tangga 10 km –          Ingin meneruskan ke UI, UNDIP, atau UNNES jurusan manajemen, PGSD


Yuni Larasati 16 Juli 1997(15 tahun) SMA PGRI 1 Pati Kelas X RifanSutini BuruhBuruh 7 km –          Ingin meneruskan ke UI, UNDIP atau UNNES-          Ingin meneruskan jurusan manajemen atau PGSD


Dyah Puspitaningrum 20 Maret 1998(14 tahun) SMAN 2 Pati Kelas X DaryonoJuriyah Dagang ikan asapDagang ikan asap 9 km –          Ingin meneruskan ke SMAN I Pati-          Ingin kuliah ke UGM, ITB atau UNNES jurusan kedokteran, desainer, guru (Bahasa Jawa)


Candra Setiawan 9 Desember 1999 (12 tahun) SMPN 2 PatiKelas 9 KasanYasih Buruh taniIbu rumah  tangga 9 km –          Ingin masuk SMAN 1 Pati-          Ingin masuk UI, UNDIP dan UNNES jurusan teknik mesin atau guru Matematika


Utomo Yoga Firmansyah 21 Januari 1999(13 tahun) SMPN 2 PatiKelas 9 KasmanSugiarti BuruhIbu rumah  tangga 8 km –          Ingin masuk SMAN 1 Pati-          Ingin melanjutkan kuliah ke UNNES, UNDIP, UGM atau UI-          Ingin menjadi arsitek atau Polisi


Dwi Rahayu 26 Desember 1999(13 tahun) SMPN 2 PatiKelas 9 SarminNgarmi Buruh taniIbu rumah tangga 9 km –          Ingin masuk SMAN 1 Pati-          Ingin masuk UNNES jadi guru MIPA


Niken Aulia Putri 26 Desember 2001 (10 tahun) SMPN 2 Pati Agus BudiyonoHaryani Swasta (Kios kecil)Ibu Rumah tangga 8 km –          Ingin masuk ke SMAN 1 Pati-          Meneruskan ke UI jadi Dokter


Nanda Eri Antika 21 Mei 2000(12 tahun) SMPN 2 Pati TumijanNonik Buruh taniburuh 10 km –          Ingin ke SMAN 1 Pati-          Meneruskan ke UNNES PGSD/Dosen




Niva Tri ArmaSaniatul MasudahSalma Novianing Tantri 



4 Mei 2000-12 thn SMPN 2 PatiKelas VIIISMPN2 PatiSMPN2 Pati TarmawiSri Puji 


BuruhPenjahitBuruh tani, Ibu rumah tanggaBuruh tani, Ibu rumah tangga


9 km9 km 

9 km


–          Ingin ke SMAN 1 Pati-          Jadi dosen / guru




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