About Us
From 1993 to 2004, the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) awarded fellowships to ASEAN university students to study in Singapore including those from Indonesia. After the fellowship program came to an end in 20014, a year later, SIF initiated a new program to invite a number of ASEAN students to attend the International Students Symposium (ISS) in Singapore.
After completing the program, former fellows automatically became the members of the SIF-ASEAN fellowship alumni with Indonesian alumni reaching about 135 people. The alumni include Ridwan Kamil (top architect), Ahmad Fuadi (best-selling novelist), and Fadlizon (politician, legislator).
Driven by a strong willingness to contribute to the society, the Indonesian SIF-ASEAN Fellowship alumni (now Yayasan Indonesia Bright) decided to conduct several education and social activities such as earthquake relief fund, mass circumcision and an ongoing scholarship to disadvantaged students, which started in 2006.
Yayasan Indonesia Bright
Akta Pendirian Sugito Tedjamulya No. 58/2011 (Notariat Deed)
Keputusan Menkumham (Law Ministry Decision) No: AHU-6092.AH.01.04 Tahun 2011
NPWP (Tax Payer Identification Number): 03.114.310.0-018.000
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